Self-cultivation and knowledge

By on August 31, 2009

Photo © Elena Derevstova


September is ‘back to school’ time, which puts learning front and centre in the lives of many. Because your environment constantly informs your consciousness of how it can express itself, your home space can be an ideal support to all learning activities. In contemporary Feng Shui, the area of the home (and also of each room) relating to self-cultivation and knowledge is located near the front of the room or home on the left-hand side – that is to say, the front third of the left side of the room or home. 


Mountains are a powerful symbol of support for this theme, as they reach great heights while remaining grounded with a solid foundation. If one is to have one’s knowledge serve one well (as opposed to badly – the world is filled with scientists using their knowledge to create toxic chemicals and the like), an image of a mountain in this area can be an excellent energizer. Avoid volcanoes (regrettably, Mount Fuji doesn’t work here)! 


Images of people whose knowledge you admire are also excellent. Whether it is an overall genius like Einstein or Da Vinci, a philanthropist / celebrity like Oprah, or a professional in your field whose skill set and knowledge you admire and appreciate, a picture of this person in this area subconsciously speaks to your ability to tap into the reservoir of knowledge that they have at their disposal. It does not mean you are copying them; They are inspiring you to access your own brilliance to do what’s yours to do, just like they did what’s theirs to do. 


Other accents for this area

  Certificates, diplomas, and prizes that you have received

  The aquamarine shade of blue-green: it fuses the depth of water and growth of wood, thereby supporting your ability to expand your consciousness as you deepen your learning

  A bookshelf or important reference book (as long as it doesn’t block the door)

  A single rose or lotus flower, or an image thereof; this speaks to you accessing your essence


May your home environment support you and yours in developing your innate brilliance and bringing it forth in the world.


Mark Ainley is a contemporary Feng Shui consultant based in Vancouver. A former resident of Tokyo, he consults internationally for home and business owners.

About Mark Ainley

Mark Ainley is a Contemporary Feng Shui Consultant and Emotional Stress Consultant living in Vancouver. A former 5-year resident of Tokyo, Mark consults with clients internationally to help them design living and work spaces in alignment with their goals. He also provides consulting in emotional stress management, as well as in the connection between facial structure and innate behavioural and communication patterns. He can be reached through his website: and