Out with the old, in with the new

By on December 29, 2009

Photo © Elena Derevstova


Every New Year is an excellent opportunity to take stock of your life – where you are and where you are going. Taking stock can be quite literal. What is it that you are storing in your space? From a Feng Shui perspective, everything that you own not only takes up physical space, but has an emotional, mental, and spiritual weight as well. Re-evaluating your relationship with your possessions can be an important step in greeting the New Year with open arms and helping it to greet you. 


The holiday season just before the turn of the year is one in which people tend to acquire more possessions. Given the reality that we all have limited space in which to live, clearly something has to give. As you acquire new things, old things must be released – it is simply a matter of physics. Your bookshelf only has enough room for the books it can contain; your closet only has enough room for the clothes it can contain. In order to be current with the themes of your life and how you will project that in the outer world, go through all of your books and magazines, clothing, and other possessions to determine which ones have run their course and would benefit from another home.


Consider that each object itself wants to be used to its best advantage, much like each person in your life wants to enjoy their relationship with you as much as you want to enjoy yours with them. Objects that are stashed away and not being used, that you no longer like, and that are no longer a ‘fit’ (whether literally, like clothing, or emotionally or practically) are synergistically out of alignment with your current reality and do get in the way. The more things you have in your home that get between you and what you really want, the more you will experience things getting between you and the situations and circumstances that you want in your life. 


Areas to consider checking for ‘currency’ (ie how current is it?):

– Book and magazines
– Files
– Clothes
– Make-up and other styling & body-care products
– Towels and bed sheets


Keeping things current is a sign of wealth (why do you think it’s called "currency"?) as it allows the energy  of creativity to flow unimpeded into your life, bringing with it the power to manifest the hopes and aspirations that you have laid out for the coming year(s). Outdated objects block those channels of flow, inhibiting clear communication between you and that which you are looking to draw into your life in the moment. Greeting the New Year unencumbered by unneeded possessions will help you more easily be in a receptive flow that supports your power to manifest your intentions.


May the new year bring you all the joy and blessings that you can have. 


Mark Ainley is a contemporary Feng Shui consultant based in Vancouver. A former resident of Tokyo, he consults internationally for home and business owners. To contact him, write him at markainley@gmail.com or visit www.markainley.com

About Mark Ainley

Mark Ainley is a Contemporary Feng Shui Consultant and Emotional Stress Consultant living in Vancouver. A former 5-year resident of Tokyo, Mark consults with clients internationally to help them design living and work spaces in alignment with their goals. He also provides consulting in emotional stress management, as well as in the connection between facial structure and innate behavioural and communication patterns. He can be reached through his website: www.senseofspace.com and www.markainley.com.