A fresh new year

By on December 27, 2010

Photo © Elena Derevtsova


With a fresh new year comes a fresh opportunity to practice the art of living and expressing oneself with greater authenticity. New Year‘s provides the chance to reflect on the past and set goals for the future. While people often make lists, there is more to goal realization than a piece of paper with words on it. While this might assist with mental clarity and focus, other levels of your experience must be brought into alignment in order to manifest more clearly. Because Feng Shui magnifies your intentions through your physical space, the following steps can help you get more out of the adjustments you make to your home.



Being clear about what you want is essential, and language plays a big role. One client wanted to manifest what he called his ‘first job’ – what he meant to say was the first job after graduating. I told him it sounded like it would be a stepping-stone job before he gets a better one. He clarified his languaging and followed the other techniques below, and ended up landing his dream job within a month after a previous six months of fruitless efforting.   


State of Being

How would you feel if your goals were met? The outer world manifestation of your aspirations is but one aspect of what you really want – the associated state of being is the deeper desire. Sit with your eyes closed as you imagine yourself fully satisfied after manifesting a specific goal. Notice how you feel in your body: where in your body do you notice the change most? If this area had a colour, smell, texture, sound, what would they be? Sit and allow your body to marinate in this new energy set. Resetting your body vibration in this way helps you bring your embodied consciousness to the same wavelength as your envisioned future, thereby paving the way for magnetizing the outer-world circumstances that best match this state of being.   



As vital a step as sitting in your updated energy set is, it is important to demonstrate your willingness to take responsible action towards the manifestation of your heart’s desire. Part of this is real world practical action. Apply for the job you want rather than sitting by the phone waiting for the Universe to deliver (what might be termed ‘the Om Method’). Research that desired product and calculate payment options. Prepare your home for how things would be if they were to change. For example,  if you are unemployed, consider how things would be different if you started working. Would you take your own lunch to work? Do you have everything necessary to do that? Examine all aspects of your new life and update your physical reality to align with that future state.   


Also consider what you would be doing in the future. The client mentioned above was looking for work as an engineer. At my suggestion, he spent some time every day doing some of what he would be doing at his new job by designing a bridge. He certainly did cross the bridge from possibility to reality! Simulate the future and see what happens.  



Create a symbol for your goals and place it somewhere in your home. You might create a vision board of images that reflect your desires and wished for state of being. (Vision boarding workshops are taught in Tokyo by Soness Stevens;  www.soness.com) An object related to your envisioned manifestation can help sub-consciously program you to welcome new circumstances. Read my past columns for ideas relating to different life areas. A turtle near the door is a  great  symbol  for  following  through, while a pathway serves to remind you that you are walking your path.


Letting go 

This is one of the most important steps. Being overly invested in the outcome can block your access to your goals. It may seem paradoxical to need to let go of something that you are aiming to have, yet just like a watched kettle never seems to boil, attachment can keep our desires or something better from coming into our lives. This has happened to me many times. I recall that I once got a call for a job that I kept for seven years the same day that I applied for a much less suitable job. An open hand is ready to receive. Practice opening your mental hand while going about your business and see what happens.


May 2011 find you living your life with fullness and authenticity.


 Mark Ainley is a Contemporary Feng Shui Consultant based in Vancouver. A former resident of Tokyo, he consults internationally for home and business owners. To contact him, write him at markainley@gmail.com or visit www.markainley.com

About Mark Ainley

Mark Ainley is a Contemporary Feng Shui Consultant and Emotional Stress Consultant living in Vancouver. A former 5-year resident of Tokyo, Mark consults with clients internationally to help them design living and work spaces in alignment with their goals. He also provides consulting in emotional stress management, as well as in the connection between facial structure and innate behavioural and communication patterns. He can be reached through his website: www.senseofspace.com and www.markainley.com.