Introducing a new dog to the household

By on February 1, 2011

Photo © Elena Derevtsova


Recently I have been writing about bringing a new dog into the family. This is an exciting time for the human “pack” members, but can create stress for the nonhuman pack. Understanding how to manage pet introductions can help ensure a lifetime of harmony for everyone.


General tips:

Set reasonable goals when you bring a new dog into your pack. Knowing the dogs’ backgrounds as to how well they were socialized will help you manage what might happen. Remember and respect that your resident dog and/or cat may perceive the new dog to be encroaching on their established territory, which can be very stressful.


• Proceed slowly and calmly. Slow-paced introductions may help prevent fear-based or aggressive reactions from developing, which can be very hard to change in the future.


• Never leave new pets unattended, even if caged. When two pets meet, it is imperative you watch them at all times as situations can change suddenly.


• If you have more than one resident dog, introduce each dog one at a time to the new dog to prevent them from overwhelming the newcomer.


• Stay in control of the introduction. If you are not sure how your pet will react, take the necessary precautions to keep him (and you) safe. Be patient and adaptable. You will need to teach your new dog to trust you while communicating to your resident pets that you will continue to keep them safe. Building good relationships takes time.


Dog to Dog

Before you bring the new dog (or puppy) home, bring home his scent so your resident pets can be introduced to his smell first. Bring home a cloth you’ve rubbed the new dog with or a blanket he has slept on and place it where he will be sleeping. In addition, be sure both your resident dog and the new dog are up to date on their vaccinations to avoid any risk of infection.


Introduce in a Neutral Location

Introduce the dogs in a neutral location that is unfamiliar to both dogs, such as a park. This prevents your resident dog from feeling his territory being threatened. Each dog should be on a loosely held six-foot leash and handled by a separate person. Try to stay relaxed so the dogs don’t pick up on any tension. Don’ t force an interact ion between the dogs; just walk near each other for a few minutes. The dogs may ignore each other, which is fine. Just stay upbeat and give the dogs time to get comfortable with the situation.


Now, allow the dogs to sniff each other for just a few seconds, with the handlers offering high-pitched, happy praise if there are positive signs from the dogs. Then lead the dogs away from each other. Do several more sets of brief introductions, which prevent the dogs from focusing too hard and escalating to an aggressive response. Refocus each dog’s attention with obedience commands or short walks.


There are two goals with this exercise: to allow the dogs to meet and be tolerant of one another without exhibiting any bad behavior, and to keep the meetings pleasant and friendly so the dogs learn to associate good, relaxed things with being together. Watch the dogs’ body language. Things are going well and you can proceed to the next step if you see loose body movements and muscles, relaxed open mouths, or play bows or other playful posturing. However, take caution if you see stiff, slow body movements, hair standing up on the back, tensed mouth or teeth-baring, growls, or prolonged staring. If you see any of these types of reactions, quickly lead the dogs away from each other and have them focus on you. You can then try a very brief introduction again, at a further distance. Only proceed to the next step when you see the dogs are tolerating each other.


Managing the New Dog in Your Home

Pick up all pet toys, food bowls, beds and the like before you bring the new dog into the house to prevent any tiffs over prized possessions. You can return the resident dog’s toys to him in a few weeks, and give the new dogs some new toys of his own. For now, give the dogs toys only when they are in separate areas or their crates.


When you bring the new dog home, put your current pets in a separate area of your home; then, walk the new dog around your home on a leash to show him where he will sleep and eat, where the other pets sleep and eat, etc.


Establish boundaries in your home by using baby gates and closing off rooms and areas while all the pets acclimate to the new situation. This way they can see and get used to one another. Allow the resident dog to roam the house, while confining the new dog behind a barrier at first.


Keep the resident dog’s areas for sleeping and eating separate so he doesn’t feel his territory is being threatened. Feed the dogs in separate areas, and pick up their food bowls after feeding time is done. Keep the dogs confined in separate areas of your home any time you are away or can’t watch them.


While your dogs may enjoy each other as playmates, supervise their play to prevent them from getting overexcited, which can lead to injury. Interrupt if one dog begins to bully or growl at the other, and separate them for a few minutes. Praise them when they are playing well together.


Remember to devote plenty of time to each dog individually for both training and play. If one dog is much older or less energetic than the other, be sure you give him time and space to himself so he can rest and feel secure.


Puppies to Adult Dogs

Not all resident dogs will welcome a new puppy in. Puppies are notorious for seeking at tention from adult dogs (and everyone else) and so must be supervised when they are with other animals.


Very young pups may not pick up on an adult dog’s body language that says he’s had enough playing. A well-socialized adult dog may growl to tell the pup to back off, which is appropriate behavior that helps the puppy learn boundaries.


However, an adult dog with poor social skills may present a danger to the puppy, as he may only know to bite inste
d. Thus, do not l
ave the dog and puppy alone together. Respect the adult dog’s need for puppy-free quiet time, and be sure to spend one-on-one time with him as well.


Know When to Get Help

People keep household pets because they enjoy their antics and companionship. However, if your dog doesn’t get along with other pets, this only creates tension and disharmony. A qualified dog trainer such as a Bark Busters Dog Behavioral Therapist can help resolve conflicts your dog may be having with other pets, and can provide ways to help you live in a peaceful, happy household of pets and people.


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About Nick Christ