Connectivity isn’t the problem. You are.

By on November 1, 2012
We are becoming a less creative society because of our inability to disconnect from the constant stream of information that we’re consuming and producing.

The current trend (solution) to this “problem” seems to be removing ourselves from everything digital. That by going analog and isolating ourselves from such stimuli, we will be more likely to have creative thoughts. Everyone has their own methods for creativity of course, but do the majority of us really spawn original thinking by depriving our minds of new things?

My hypothesis is that most of us benefit more from the Medici of thinking. The larger the diversity of art, ideas, people, and experiences we expose ourselves too, the more like it is that we’ll find unique intersections which lead to amazing new remixes and inventions.

People have a very active choice in what exactly they’re spending their time being connected to. What they read. Who they talk to. Where they consume information. All of these things are completely in our control. Our biggest problem is not overexposure itself, but rather the content we’re exposing ourselves to.

Removing yourself from the digital world is a band-aid. Shifting your behavior to interact with ideas and people that are more mentally stimulating (than your current state) is a means to spurring a more creative you. You don’t need time to think, you
need time to execute on your thoughts.

1) Change and add to your news sources often.

2) Read non-fiction offline and online with Wikipedia readily available. You’ll go down a wonderful rabbit hole of learning.

3) Use discovery tools/sites like Kippt, Reddit, and Digg to seek out new categories of content to dig into.

4) Try to recreate or remix tangible objects that you find on visual networks (Pinterest). The process of copying can reveal new and better ways to make things.

5) Don’t lock yourself away in a dungeon. This is a horribly inefficient way to be creative.

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