Fried sweet peas and bacon

By on March 3, 2013
If there’s one vegetable that is well liked by children, it’s the great green peas. Green peas have a sweet flavor and can be cooked in a lot of ways. The vegetable is packed with protein for growth and muscles, fiber that helps fight constipation, Vitamins A for sharp eyes, B6 for resistance to infections, C to help the immune system, and K for healthy blood and bones.SWEET PEASIngredients:
600 g frozen peas
1 bunch spring onions
50 g diced bacon
80 g butter
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 sprig thyme
1 bunch parsley
Salt and pepper to taste

Fry bacon over medium heat, then set aside. In a separate pan, melt butter until slightly brown.  Fry thinly sliced onions for  5 minutes on medium heat  or until color becomes moderately brown. Add the peas, bacon, chopped thyme, salt and pepper and stir. Cook 20 minutes with the lid on low heat. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve with bread or rice. Serves four.

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