Hairless in the city

By on August 5, 2013

What keeps some people from showing off some skin in the hot summer months is the unsightly grizzly hair poking out of some parts of the body, especially people with certain swimwear style where hair around the crotch area is more likely to cause embarrassment or invite unwanted attention.

Waxing, the most common hair removal method in the body for women, became popular in the 1940s when bikinis came into style.   Shaving is the most hated beauty regimen of most women. Having a bikini wax these days has, in fact, become a part of regular grooming much like a visit to a hair salon.   But how does a bikini differ from a Brazilian wax? A bikini wax is simply cleaning up the sides and specific areas outside the bikini line so that the area looks smooth and neat.   In a Brazilian wax,  every hair in the front, back areas, including everything in the surrounding areas, is absolutely removed.   That said, people sensitive to a bikini wax are more likely to feel increased sensitivity during a Brazilian wax because the depilation goes much deeper to the finer skin areas.  A Brazilian wax is for you if you want to be completely hairless.

In many cultures, removing unwanted hair represents hygiene.  Whether it’s for hygiene’s sake or simply wanting to get a fab bod, here’s a guide to being waxing savvy.

1.   Do not book an appointment when you are a week close to the start and end of your menstrual period.  This is when the skin is most sensitive.

2.   If it’s your first time to go for a wax, always discuss with your waxer your pain tolerance level and allergies if any.

3.  Remember that a minimum hair length is necessary for the wax to hold on to.  As most salons use different types of wax and techniques, ask what salons require when making an appointment.  Some salons in Japan require at least a quarter of an inch while others need a bit more depending on the hair texture.  Basically, less length is required for fine hair but more for coarse ones.

4.  Check out your waxer before making an appointment.  I have heard of many horror stories from unsterilized wax spatulas to people being mishandled by inexperienced therapists.

5.  24 hours before waxing, do not take a hot bath or use body soap.  This can cause perspiration which can affect the end result.  Avoid skin exfoliation before the treatment.

6. Don’t drink alcohol or caffeine before the wax treatment as it can increase pain. Instead, hydrate inside and out.  Drink lots of
water and apply moisturizer to your skin.

7.  Waxing is not permanent.  But you can enjoy 3-5 weeks of silky smooth skin depending on how fast your hair grows back.
Normally, hair grows faster in the summer months.  Regular waxing stimulates sparser regrowth.

8.   Avoid any activity that stimulates perspiration after waxing.  This can lead to infection and ingrown hairs.

9.   After the treatment, use fresh, clean, cotton underwear only.  Avoid the use of tight fitting underwear made of synthetic fiber
such as nylon and polyester as it can easily heat up the skin.

10.  Use body cleansing products with antibacterial properties.

About Julie Wilson