Tokyo’s Coolest Buggies

By on September 11, 2013

The Combi White Label MC-400 Mechakaru (Japanese term for “ultra light”) ranks high in preference by Japanese moms because of its ultra light quality.

Weighing only 4.4 kgs, this super cool buggy is suitable for traveling to crowded Tokyo train stations.  (¥42,000)

The cool factor:

1.  Ultra light2.  Stands upright and rolls even when folded.
3. 3D air cushions with egg shock seat attachment that keep baby comfortable and dry.

4. Sensor-equipped wheels are easily detected by train doors in case you get sandwiched.

5. UV blocking shades protect baby from harsh sunlight

6. High level handles are convenient fo tall moms or dads.

7.  It has highly secured seat belts.

8.  Two-way positions: Parent-facing or opposite direction.

9.  Swivel wheels offer good maneuverability.

10.  Top window opening allows parent to talk to baby.

About Julie Wilson