2014 New Year’s Message by His Imperial Majesty of Japan

By on January 2, 2014

A third winter since the Great East Japan Earthquake has come around. At the dawn of the new year, my heart once again goes out to the afflicted people, those who cannot return to the places they used to live because of radioactive contamination and those who have to spend the cold harsh winter in temporary housing.
Last year, too, many people were confronted with various difficulties and I am sure they faced many hardships. In this new year, it is my hope that the people of Japan not forget the plight of those who are facing hardships and try to share even a little of their burden, and help and comfort one another at all times. I also hope that they will work together with the people of the world in pursuit of peace and do their utmost to build a better tomorrow.
In this season of deep snow, I want to ask people to take great care not to have any accidents in removing snow from the roof.
It is my hope that the new year will bring happiness to the people of Japan and the people around the world.


昨年も,多くの人々が様々な困難に直面し,苦労も多かったことと察していますが,新しく迎えたこの年に,国民皆が苦しい人々の荷を少しでも分かち持 つ気持ちを失わず,助け合い,励まし合っていくとともに,世界の人々とも相携え,平和を求め,良き未来を築くために力を尽くしていくよう願っています。



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