Fun things you didn’t know you can do on facebook

By on March 31, 2014

1.  This is fun (but we don’t advise those just starting to learn English to use this feature). 

Go to settings – general – language – select US pirate


This is how your cover page will appear on the screen.


2.  Do you want to choose only the feeds you want to see?  Here’s how:

Just click on the top right of the feed and select if you want to see it or not. You can also participate in the survey to make your facebook experience better.

You will see this. Tap “create list”

3.   Go to

Next, put in your favorite topic on the List Name field.  Let’s try “Japan”

You decide who will see the list by clicking on the options above.

This is what will show up.

4.  Another cool facebook feature is the ability to opt out of rant feeds that is making you depressed.  “Rather” will do just that.  Download “Rather” extension on Chrome.  Open extension.  Type a kill word and replace it with your favoritee  topic.

5.  Maybe you want to share your baby photos or files  to ONLY your family.  Tap on “Create a group” on the left hand side of your panel.  Set security settings to Open, Closed or Secret.  Add the people on your friends list to the group.  They have to be on your friends list for you to be able to add them in.

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