Your dining guidebook in Japan

By on April 9, 2015

If all you can handle at Japanese restaurants is omizu kudasai or arigatou gozaimasu and don’t know what to say next at different situations while out and about in Japan, arm yourself with Situational Japanese: Dining in Japan ebook. It will come handy and will build your vocabulary in no time.

Written by Chad Thiele, an American expat living in Tokyo for 19 years whose love for Japanese food led him to what he calls ‘cool discoveries’, the newly released ebook is a labor of love by a team of 20 engaged volunteers (including local advisors) to help non-Japanese speakers enjoy their culinary trips without the fear of miscommunication. It’s a useful resource for newbies to Japan or those with little to zero knowledge of what to say when at restaurants. Simple and suitably sized for iPads, the reader is guided to using certain phrases at a given situation with explanation on how to use each of them. Phonetics are important to an English speaker and Chad’s clever phonetic breakdown will get you to pronounce the words right.

May the purists forgive Chad but the book is an attempt to save time and shorten the learning process by focusing only on dining situations.
And the bonus when you get the book? A lifetime update for free.         $19.99

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