Yogi lifestyle

By on October 5, 2015

Yoga is the marriage of mind and body. Since nutrition plays an important role in achieving balance, overall strength and flexibility, the need to eat nourishing food matters. As you learn the tenets of Yoga , you will have a heightened awareness of what foods are right for you.

One of the many sources of ‘prana’, the sanskrit term for life force, is food. Only natural, fresh and organic food is high in prana and packs the body with the right energy. Scientists say that fruits and vegetables that get a lot of sunlight radiate more energy.


waterHealthy nutrition is not just about food. It’s also about good hydration. An active yogi drinks an average 8-12 cups of fluid a day. Many forget to drink water and some do only when they have entered the first stage of dehydration. Be aware that your body needs to be fully hydrated at all times. Excessive alcohol consumption wreaks havoc on mind and body balance and is best avoided. Indulge in green tea to benefit from its antioxidant properties.

The Sanskrit term ‘Ahimsa’ refers to the yogi practice of non-violence. Eating meat is generally believed to be violent since it involves taking the life of another creature . Another reason why most yogis turn to vegetarianism is the belief that meat causes imbalance of the mind and body.

Although that’s the basic idea, to abstain from eating meat or not is a personal choice.

Yoga practitioners who completely avoid meat turn to tofu and beans for protein.

Stress, allergies, colds and fatigue are sometimes signs of bad nutrition that call for eating foods that boost the immune system.

Doctors recommend taking multi vitamins and eating organic foods to supercharge the overall health.

More often than not, omega 3 oils are lacking in yogis’ diets so the need to increase their consumption in order to reduce inflammation, prevent heart disease, reverse the signs of aging, maintain blood pressure and cholesterol levels are encouraged. Soy, salmon, flaxseed oil or any fatty fish are a few of foods rich in omega oils.

Each individual has his/her own needs and abilities. The most essential thing to consider is how the body responds to the food you eat. ✦



About Celine Conti