Use astrology to parent your child better

By on June 23, 2016

zodiac babiesDo you sometimes wonder why some kids get along well with others while some do not?  Chemistry has a lot to do with personality.  One way to better understand the nature of children is by astrology.  Astrology guides parents to better relate with specific traits and characters and could be useful in adopting certain parenting styles.  Afterall, there are different strokes for different folks.

Aries child
March 21 – April 19
Fiery, passionate and self-centric. Aries kids can be impulsive when their territory or anything that belongs to them is threatened.   Quite opinionated, he / she will not want to be told what to do.  Having them follow rules may be a problem if it does not appeal to their brand of logic or reasoning.  Arians can be competitive and known for the “me first” attitude. It may be a challenge to have Arian kids respond favorably to orders they view as boring and mundane like putting away their toys or keeping their room tidy. Belonging to a warrior sign, channelling an Arian child’s boundless energy into recreational activities like archery or the martial arts may most likely suit his personality.
Taurus child
April 19 – May 20
Nothing is more important to a Taurean child than order, stability, and routine.  They feel warmth, security, and love in familiar surroundings. The transition to a new school and adjusting to new friends and environment, for example, may be hard on these Taurean kids.  A Taurean generally obeys rules as long as they are consistent.  Representing the sign of the bull, their stubborn streak shows at any sign of surprise change.  Although a Taurus child can be comfortable being alone and will most often not look for friends to play with,  socializing should  be introduced early.  Taurean children have a good appetite but have a tendency to overindulge in food if not supervised.
Gemini child
May 21 – June 20
Parenting a Gemini?  Stock up on energy and patience because you’re in for a ride! Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and therefore children born under this sign are chatty, inquisitive, curious, and intelligent.  An air sign, Gemini kids enjoy light-hearted fun but have one of the busiest minds. Gemini is the sign of twins and it is just in their nature to display two moods. Consistency is a word foreign to them.  Don’t wonder if  your child is an angel one minute and a troublemaker the next.  It is all a part of a conflict between emotions and intellect.   It is important however that their active minds are exercised early by exposing them to board games, puzzles, brain twister quizzes, etc. Channel their energy into doing regular outdoor sports to keep them grounded.  Mercurial kids display interest in study but are easily bored.  Seeing things completed is not their strongest point. As such, parents may have to be more involved in seeing that all school homeworks are done on time.
Cancer child
June 21 – July 22
A child born under the sign of the crab is a loving and sentimental child who is very much in touch with his or her emotions. Cancer children find comfort and warmth at home and can immediately sense when something is wrong.  It is important to keep home life stable, predictable, and as calm as possible.  Any conflict at home that threatens this child’s balance can have adverse effects in adult years.  This is because they never forget a memory even long after everyone has.  Parents should ensure that they create good ones for this emotional Cancerian child.  This sign is a nurturing sign and loves to look after and connect with people.  It is important to a Cancerian child to have a deep and loving bond with  parents.   A Cancerian child will most likely find comfort and appreciation for home-made than store-bought foods because it is associated to the warmth and love of parents.   There may be foods that a Cancer child will eat at times but will not even touch at other times. It is best not to force a Cancerian kid to comply as it will only destabilize the mood. That’s where the word “crabby” comes from!
Leo child
July 23 –  August 22
As a fire sign,  a Leo kid has an unmistakable charm and will always come fighting to be on center stage.  Leo children are warm, congenial and confident but can be a little bossy with their playmates.  The desire to lead will be noticeable  in your Leo kid’s early years, so never rain on his parade or steal his shine.  Instead, allow a space for this sign to feel important and in his element.  A known fixed sign,  Leos like predictability so any drastic change in their surrounding can be unsettling to them.  It is in your little Leo’s nature to control a play or game that may alienate other children.  Choosing the right words to tone down their urge to boss other kids around will help if they are given the right amount of praise and attention.  They never forget when they are hurt and will rebel if criticized and embarrassed in public.   In disciplining your Leo child, it is important that you appeal to his/her pride by having a one-on-one session when he misbehaves.  Saying “sorry” to him or her when you are wrong is very important too and sets a good example to emulate.  Encourage your Leo kid to excel in school by putting emphasis on achievements as essential to being the the center of attention.  Most Leo children need a strong bond with their fathers.
Virgo child
August 23 – September 22
Virgo children are shy yet sociable,  highly analytical and if nurtured in a home with positive energy,  can be highly organized.  Known as deep thinkers,  games, puzzles, or anything that allows their analytical  minds to wander and map out a tactic or strategy will be good for them. Board games like Scrabble and chess appeal to older Virgo children.   Once they step into the elementary school years, their need for order will start to be noticeable.  They are the kids who will want their coloring pencils neatly arranged in a pencil box or their favorite color or design and style of notebooks.  They want their brand of style incorporated in anything they own.  Virgo children are down to Earth and although they get along with children of most signs, they are not tolerant of  insensitive playmates.  They are diligent students and always aim for perfection.  They can brood over a small critic forever so it is best for parents to focus on praising what they did well than criticizing what they did not. Sharing a room with brothers or sisters who are aggressive, pushy, or bullies destabilizes a Virgo child.  Help them by giving them their own private room to retreat where green, the shade with which they find familiarity, is the color motiff.   Virgos are known to have weak intestines and are prone to food allergies, constipation, etc.  It is best to closely supervise the food they eat.
Libra child
September 23 – October 22
Children born in the sign of Libra are born romantics, love harmony, beauty and symmetry, which explains why they get along with almost any other sign.  They have a good understanding of fair play and the dynamics of a relationship which makes them the peacekeepers of the zodiac.  Charged with positive energy from a young age,  a Libra child will spend his/her early years making friends.  They make good troubleshooters, negotiators, diplomats, or artists.   A Libran child should be raised in a neat,  balanced and peaceful environment, free from a bullying brother, sister or parent, or things may get out of hand in adult years.   Librans are indifferent to chaos and want everything to be harmonious.  When disciplining Librans, it is very important to avoid a direct reproach and the use of aggressive and big words as they have the tendency to withdraw to their inner world for a long time.  This sign will respond better to a gentle and polite communication.   A Libra child will show interest in the arts, literature, and very seldom in math and science.   They do not like injustice and  will always try to please everyone which may require his/her own needs to take a back seat.  Parents should demonstrate the importance of taking care of his needs first  in order to be a strong support for others.   This sign needs a lot of socialization and family’s love and moral  support.
Scorpio child
October 23 – November 21
A Scorpio child requires a deep emotional bond with parents but this is a sign that will manage by himself when left alone to play or when parents are busy working.  Scorpions have a big heart and will have empathy for parents who cannot be by their side all the time.Little scorpions have a sharp mind, inquisitive and probing nature. They like learning deep subjects.  They are considered introverts by nature,  quiet,  although they can fight back and defend themselves when provoked.  Loud and boisterous playmates or siblings are alien to them.  They are intuitive and understand instantly which playmates to befriend. They are very much in control of their surroundings.  Scorpio kids appreciate bonding one-on-one rather than in groups.  It will be a challenge to understand what is bothering Scorpio children because they prefer not to talk about deep issues  although they will find a way to communicate to their parents about issues bothering them, in another fashion.  In school, Scorpio delivers but will most likely focus on subjects he/she is only interested in.  Parents should always be in good communication with the teachers to understand their child’s standing and progress in subjects he/she is less interested in to give help.  Scorpio children are focused learners and will most likely put effort if given good encouragement.
Sagittarius child
November 22 – December 21
The fun-loving members of the zodiac are the Sagittarians.  Similar to Gemini children, they are intelligent, globe-trotters of the zodiac and can easily adjust to a change in living and cultural environments.  Born adventurers, they love grandiose things, taking risks, exploring, discovering, and enriching their knowledge through experience.  They enjoy fame and being in the spotlight and are natural outgoing types. It is easy to spot a Sagittarian child: they are rarely without electronic gadgets and games.  A Sagittarian child is a class clown, and focus might be a bit of a challenge, but he is smart and ambitious enough to do  what he needs to do in school, oftentimes with minimal guidance.  Sagittarians like to be in control and hate to be put on short leash.  A ‘just because’ reasoning is alien to a Sag. If he can not play with certain toys or must be in bed by a certain time, be prepared for a logical reason. They will try hard to win their parents’ approval and trust to achieve freedom at an early age.  Parenting a Sagittarian requires giving enough play time and liberty for him to study well.
Capricorn child
December 22 – January 19
Introverted, obedient, and possessing natural intelligence from  an early age, a Capricorn kid is happiest in the company of friends and family.  Diligent kids with empathy, they often volunteer in school activities that make them the teacher’s favorites.  They like quiet and peaceful surroundings and are neat and orderly.This is not a kid who you have to entertain every minute of the day, as he will pursue his own interests with little input from you.  In fact, of all the signs of the zodiac, Capricorn children are surprisingly the most helpful.  It is advised not to use his energy up for household chores for him to remain focused on school studies.  Capricorn children in their developmental stages need some reassuring and validation  that make them confident.  If they sense that they are not appreciated, they will withdraw into their own little cave and might leave home early.  Therefore, parents of  a Capricorn child – be sure he gets  occasional pats on the back at every opportunity to show that his contributions  are useful.  Be aware that even very young Capricorns do have a tendency to become quite pessimistic. Correcting this by inspiring him of the silver linings will go far in helping make your Capricorn a successful part of society in later years.
Aquarius child
January 20 – February 18
The freedom-loving sign of the zodiac, Aquarian children have a natural love for individualism and will rebel if confined to a situation where they can not express this. Naturally  friendly, an Aquarian kid will have many friends yet will maintain distance to protect his individual side.  This is a truly unique little soul whose personality is marked by eccentricities fairly early on.  Eccentricity is often associated with genius, giftedness, and creativity.  This is your child’s creative expression, regardless of how weird you consider it to be.  Words like “weird”, “strange” and “abnormal” are words you might not want the rest of the family to use in his presence.  Remember: he is a unique individual and  will do fairly well in a school where they get support they need.  Aquarian children may display elitist behaviour  and, once they have formed an opinion, will most often be hard to shake.  They like progressive toys, electronics, musical instruments and will display a keen interest in computers.  Expect their most challenging times in their teen years when they will most often rebel and be argumentative.   Don’t ask them to fit into the norm because it is like asking them not to be themselves.
Pisces child
February 19 – March 20
Ruled by Neptune, the dream planet, Pisces children are easy to spot.  They have dreamy eyes and appear gentle, calm, and have a composed demeanor.  It is very natural for young Pisces children to live in their dreams and do role-play with imaginary friends.  They will be most happy in Disneyland seeing magic shows.  A mutable sign, Piscean children will be liked by more aggressive signs.  Unfortunately, because of his passive nature, he may be prone to being bullied and his kind nature abused.  He must be taught early how to fend off abusive characters at a young age.  Although a Piscean child will go through a loner phase, they will maintain a cheerful disposition generally in later years.  This kid loves peace and does not like violence.  Fantasy lands, magic lands, and characters like the Easter Bunny are typically what a Piscean child adores. Pisces children are born compassionate, creative, highly intuitive, and have extraordinary telepathic connections with family pets.  A family’s constant affirmation of love is required his confidence.  In school, his mind may wander around and is likely to daydream  which may distract his attention from school work.  It will do him good to have a dependable parent and a gentle teacher to help him focus on the job at hand.

About Stephen Bailey