Managing your pain

By on November 5, 2016



What I am going to share and teach today is not mainstream information. That’s why it’s not more well known. But you are a select few that will be way ahead of the curve and I hope you will heed the information and advice.

Do you have nagging pain and injuries that seem to persist? Pain like headaches, eye heaviness, upper – mid or lower back pain, pelvic pain, hip pain, knee pain, foot pain… is walking a struggle? Are your shoes showing uneven wear patterns? Do your kids present postural faults or problems like; scoliosis; misaligned legs such as bowed or knock-knees, and/or hyperextended knees; shoulder blade irregularity; overall posture seems out of alignment or exaggerated spinal curvature? Parents do your children show signs of concentration / memory problems, stinging eyes, sudden or easy fatigue, decreased intellectual abilities? Have you been going to specialist after specialist for answers and seem like nothing works or just getting the runaround? Are you on a limited budget and seem just as if you’re wasting money? If this or anything like it touches home, then read on and find your solutions you have been seeking. These are all symptoms that your mechanisms that control posture are dysfunctioning. No more do you have to wonder ‘if’ you can fix your problems. No more walking around hopeless. No more relying on those ‘professionals’ who really don’t know and who are not helping you. Now you can make a difference. The only thing stopping you from improving now is YOU. And if you have a friend that this can help, send this to him or her! Now lets get started!


guy-with-laptop-1243596-1280x960Postural disorders cause pains and strains at different levels while creating a cascade of numerous consequences. But what causes these postural faults? Where do they begin?  And equally important, how can we fix them? Explaining posture and the postural system is far too in-depth (and  unnecessary) to cover in this article. It would require volumes of books for that. This article is lengthy so take the time and read through it or only pick out the areas that interest you. I will give you an introduction into some basic information and concepts. Consider understanding posture analguous to driving. Most of you reading this article can drive a car but cannot rebuild or understand the engine and its electrical system, nor does it matter. What matters is you know how to drive the car and where to go to get it repaired. The same goes with  posturology. Even if you don’t understand it, trust me and follow my advice. I promise you will get good results.

We all hear about having good posture, but what does that really mean? Sit up straight? Stand up straight? Don’t slouch? Head back? Chest out? Good posture means that good alignment is present in three planes: forward/backward, laterally (side to side) and transverse (rotational plane). The correct forward/backward posture means the ear over the shoulder – shoulder over the pelvis – pelvis over the knee – knee over the ankle. There should not be any rotational distortion of the pelvis, torso/ shoulder girdle or lateral deviation of the pelvis (one side being higher than the other) and the same with shoulders and eyes (head tilt). Anything out of these limits creates excessive strains, altered joint mechanics, altered muscle length/tension relationships and enhanced chemical activity within the constantly activated muscles that are short & tight. These are also known as ‘energy leaks’. Additionally both neural and blood circulation are compromised. The cardio respiratory system is also disrupted. Remember this phrase – ’everything is connected to everything’.

90% of the population presents postural distortions and 72% of those are in the sagittal forward (slouching) plane. 80% of postural issues are found in all three planes which means not only is there forward backward postural distortion but also laterally and in rotation. Every tissue of every joint is affected with abnormal strains. Even surgeries can create exacerbated postural problems.


Posture constantly happens in two environments, (static and dynamic) and in three planes (Sagittal, frontal and transverse).  The body presents only two types of posture: good and distorted. If static posture presents distortions and faults, it goes without saying that dynamic posture will enhance and exacerbate those faults. Since 90% of the population presents postural distortions while only 10% have good posture, if you’re reading this newsletter, you are probably one of those 90%. You may ask yourself, “how can I tell if my posture is bad”? Or “how can I obtain good posture”? Well don’t worry, after reading this newsletter you will be armed with the right knowledge on what steps you need to begin doing in order to permanently correct your posture. The bottom line is I care about you. In this newsletter are answers for you who are seeking help.

We have a kinetic muscular system used for movement and a “Tonic Postural System” (TPS) supporting the kinetic muscular system’s movement:  (It’s recruited during movement and prepares / contributes to triggering any movement) – one is like a precursor to the other. The TPS guides, balances & reinforces movement and even uses it as a counterforce. The TPS is so active that positive or negative energy reactions of the kinetic muscular system depend on the reinforcing or inhibiting activity of the TPS – i.e., no movement happens without the TPS’s constant and direct involvement. The TPS is extremely complex and is actually comprised of five separate systems within it:

  • The antigravity system
  • The balance system
  • Equilibrium in movement
  • Internal and external adaptation system
  • Sensory system

The TPS is permanently recruited to:

  • Stand up and sit down
  • Remain standing
  • Remain seated
  • Resist external forces

The body has five areas, called exteroceptors, constantly taking in information and providing that external information to the  brain which summates and processes it via the tonic postural system, creating your posture (and eventually movement). Posture is based completely on that infomation. Bear in mind, neither the brain nor the body know if the information it receives is good or bad. They (the brain and TPS) only recognize it as ‘this is what it is’ and thereby create your posture – either good or bad. Musculoskeletal pain that develops is confirmation that  postural distortions are present.

The five exteroceptors are: 1. the soles of the Feet 2. Eyes 3. Skin 4. Jaw 5. Inner ear.  But, for now, if you focus on the feet and eyes, you can make remarkable changes to your bodys posture. No matter what you do, such as trying to ‘think’ yourself into good posture, will make a difference in correcting your posture beyond that temporary cognitive moment if one or more of your exteroceptors information is faulty. The innate influence of those exteroceptors is greater than your ability to think yourself into good posture. Additionally, no amount  of exercise, stretching, acupuncture, chiropractic treatment, yoga, Pilates, estee treatments, etc., will permanently eliminate postural faults. Most of these actually are symptomatic treatments. Most postural faults are actually ‘adaptive’ faults that transpired over a period of time. The primary area this adaptive fault can be observed are the feet as the entire body rests on these terminal buffers. The root cause must be addressed in order to permanently eliminate faults.

Postural distortions and pain are merely symptoms or warning signs; signs that are telling you to make some changes. Let me ask you this. If the front end of your car was out of alignment and constantly wearing out your tires, would simply putting new tires on the car fix your front-end alignment problem? No. You need to correct the misalignment cause. The improper and accelerated wear is simply the effect of a deeper issue. So is the same with your body pain and distortions. You have to correct those innate postural faults by  correcting the faulty exteroceptors, influencing the neural information of the TPS that causes bad posture (the chain reaction in reverse).

The tire and car analogy is the same as falling prey to buying the newest Nike or Reebok shoes with ‘arch supports’ to give you better performance. I will show you later in this article those shoes are destroying your feet and greatly aiding in causing adaptive feet.

Almost all musculoskeletal pain is caused by postural distortions. Think of the most common types of conditions or pain… low back pain, sciatica, piriformis syndrome, ‘shiju kata’, frozen shoulder, scoliosis, headaches, migraines, stiff shoulder, shoulder and knee pain – these are all caused by postural faults. For example, the majority of all knee pain is due to pelvic misalignment.The knee is merely a hinge joint. But the femur (thigh bone) attaches to the pelvis. When the pelvis is misaligned, it directly influences and creates misalignment of the knee posture. Postural faults create pains and strains from conditions such as:

  • Compression
  • Dystraction
  • In Rotation
  • In Torsion
  • Shear
  • Impaction
  • Altered muscle lengths  and tensions
  • Increased joint pressures
  • Inflammation of soft tissues
  • Receptors that relay faulty information to the superior command centers

The pain may present at different levels:

  • Joints
  • Capsules
  • Osteo-ligaments
  • Muscles
  • Tendons

Aponeurosis (white, fibrous membrane connecting muscle to bone or fascia)

These postural disorders and pain can trigger numerous consequences such as:

  • In medium to long-term : the onset of pain, stiffness and muscular contractions
  • Arthrosis can develop from restricted joint range of motion that’s connected to muscular blockage (remember life is MOVEMENT-being inactive and still is the worst thing you can do for yourself)
  • Delays in wound healing (bad posture thwarts good circulation)

The postural system is a” structured whole” designed to:

  • Overcome gravity and maintain upright position
  • Overcome external forces (like walking against a blowing wind)
  • Properly position the body in its surrounding space-time structure
  • Enable and prepare; guide and reinforce

The greatest area of postural fault lies in the soles of the feet with a close second being the eyes. The foot’s counter-pressure is a fundamental reference in the body’s resistance to gravity. When the feet sensors have a problem, one side of the pelvis will be high and that same side shoulder will be lower (see figure below). When the eyes are the problem, both the same-side shoulder and pelvis are lower.

When a frontal plane imbalance exists, meaning the shoulder and pelvis are uneven, an additional imbalnce usually exists in the shoulder as it’s often rotated forward with a concomitant strength deficit on the lower and forward rotated shoulder. This weakness is caused by micro-neural and micro-circulatory occlusions.


The eyes are capable of analyzing distances and verticals and also able to position the body in its structured space/time environment. Normal eyes is defined as both eyes being able to converge  on an object. I.e., When focusing on an object, as that object comes closer towards the nose, properly functioning eyes should track inwards (converge) evenly and be able to hold the focus. However 85% of the population doesn’t converge properly. (You will see examples below). In my own practice, I have evaluated a 90% rate of inability to converge.

Ocular problems manifest in various ways and at various ages. They can cause headaches (unilateral or hemicranial), dizziness, fear of open spaces, apprehension about driving a car especially at night, the elderly fear steps / escalators / curbs as distance is hard to judge, subjects frequently bump into things, seem ‘clumsy’, catch clothes on door handles, miss steps, kids and adults can present by missing the ball with a racquet or bat, stepping on the fault lines, missing the goal or basket or the ball going into the glove, unable to assess distances or slopes properly and often have sprained ankles or even torn muscles. Parents also should be aware of the following of their kids…concentration / memory problems, stinging eyes, sudden or easy fatigue, decreased intellectual abilities (adults would strain to focus on the computer screen but a child presenting a divergence defect usually keeps their gaze unfocused rather than focusing on the blacboard etc.), poor grades in school and even changes in personalities.

To correct eyedistortions, the goal is using magnetic stimulation to act upon the outer muscle of the eye (lateral rectus) by specifically positioning a strong magnet of 1400 GAUSS at the corner of the non-dominant eye. The magnet must be worn 6 days a week, 24 hours a day, and resting one day. It can be reduced to 14-16 hours a day for ethetic reasons, if necessary. And as each month passes, the time required to wear it lessens as the eyes are correcting.

Basic results of eye and foot related postural disturbances and changes to the skeletal system are illustrated in the figures below.


Posturally, there are four types (but many additional variations of them):

  1. Causative – means feet are responsible for the imbalance
  2. Adaptive – adapts to an imbalance that originates from the upper body
  • the adaptive foot may be:
  • reversible
  • fixated
  • compensating

1.    Mixed foot – is characterized by both causative and adaptive components
2.    Double-component foot – shows a pathological motion and is currently considered a causative foot

The following illustration shows seven examples of improperly aligned foot structures. There are additional variations that also exist but aren’t included in this article or the illustrations.

There are several origins for the causative foot. It can be congenital, acquired or iatrogenic (resulting from the physician, therapist, health professional’s manner, activity or therapy which includes their standard orthopedic insoles). Congenital is usually something from birth like arched feet, flat feet, metatarsus varus, asymmetry etc. Acquired usually happens through various traumas incorrect primary programming the walking movement which often happens after making use of baby trots and her baby walkers or improper shoes. Iatrogenic feet – result usually from two main causes: 1. standard orthopedic insoles and 2. shoes with an arch support; (yes this means your Air Nikes, Reebok Cross trainers, Adidas shoes, etc. – those with the ‘latest technology’ hyped and marketed as boosting your performance yet in fact it’s insidiously worsening you.)

The goal of the standard orthopedic insole which actually dates back over hundred years, was to tilt or move the bones by using crude pads, that at times were up to 2 cm thick. It is very common today to possess a lack of understanding of just how sensitive the feet are i.e., the muscular proprioceptors sensitivity are sensitive to tensions of 3 to 24 grams ! And some exteroceptors are capable of analyzing a link with as little as .01 mm variation! For example, any insert that exceeds 3 mm aggrivates the proprioceptors and exteroceptors of the foot. They are so sensitive that they deformations of .01 mm and 3-24 grams affects them. And the arch of the foot has a critical role is both elasticity and load distribution of the foot. This area is usually pressure free, so pressurizing the exteroceptors and proprioceptors in this area ‘will’ result in an iatrogenic foot imbalance as either varus or a double component foot. This is also why you should not wear MBT shoes for more than one hour a day.

The conventional insole is a ‘mechanical’ insole with its purpose to tilt bones. And anything over 3mm thick should be strictly avoided, especially in the case of children. Long term, wearing thick insoles or orthotics will cause ‘proprioceptive and exteroceptive blindness’ which will become the root cause for the adaptive foot and compensatory postural manifestations. My advice is take them out of your shoes now. You are better off walking without excessively thick arch supports (unless you have a bad structural problems that you require them).

The insole you should begin with, and use throughout your correction are ‘proprioceptive’ insoles, i.e., the Postural Reprogramming Insoles. Because the foot acts like a doorway to the postural system, you must logically control the information passing through the door…information that doesnt strive to tilt bones but attempts to modify the activity of all ascending muscle chains via reflex pathways…i.e., your nervous system.

How the insoles work work – they contain a patented, cross polarizing strips of ferromagnetic macromolecules that stimulates the skin of the feet with a 90H frequency resonator (which in itself is made up of two metals that create the frequency). Additionally  the insoles emit a bioenergetic reflex action that functions without pressure – meaning you dont have to be standing on them to work. They work when the person is sitting and even lying down. You can not feel the actions of the insoles. They work in communication with the nervous system. The best results are directly to the skin but they will work through socks.

Their effect on the postural system is almost immediate. During the first tem months of postural reprogramming, the disequilibrium will return immediately upon removing the insoles. After 10 months, the TPR holds over time and the reprogramming becomes permanent. But, there is no reason to stop wearing the insoles as they never wear out. I am still wearing mine after two years.

Studies confirm the postural modifications achieved during the TPR:

  • muscular strength was recovered in areas that were deficient prior to TPR
  • imporvements in vascularization in those same areas were confirmed using laser-doppler techniques
  • the polarized insoles are ok to wear during pregnancy or if if one wears a pace-maker (no studies were performed with the two scenarios)

This is how incredible your body is and how badly you are destroying it by believing the hype in the marketing lies of Nike, Reebok, Adidas and all other shoemakers touting to be better then human physiology and natural anatomy of the human body. And when these types of shoes are worn with the improper arch supports there’s a type of foot blindness or postural blindness this described by posturologists that destroys all of the fine proprioception of the foot while actually delaying the maturing of the proprioceptive system. Remember, the arch is supposed to be a non-pressurized area. The arch supports are doing the exact opposite. Therefore the individual is set on a course of creating an adaptive foot, and compensatory postural derivations all from trying to follow the latest shoe technology. The show companies are not sarter than the human body. What results is a cascade of orthopedic faults and postural events that will eventually create pain and excessive wear and tear on joints and the musculoskeletal system.

Consider the very common scenario of walking. Many people, unknowingly, with these types of foot adaptive problems visit an orthopedic doctor who makes mechanical insoles for their shoes. Before I did my studies I was actually one of these people.  The specialist said ‘you have a foot disorder so you need to have arch supports’. Even though he meant well, he had no clue what the short and long gamma loops were in relation to posture, nor did he understand the sensitivity of the skin, or the proprioceptors and exteroceptors of the feet. This is a graduate of the government approved organization that thousands graduated from.  He simply made the mechanical insoles to the mold created of my feet. And the insoles were 9mm thick!! (see the illustration below). The constant firing of the electrical long gamma loops via the arch of the foot will happen nonstop and with a worse outcome with the mechanical insoles present in the shoe. What does this mean? It means no permanent fix and can lead to even further obstruction and destruction by creating and even worse adaptive foot, called the ‘iatrogenic foot’. Oh, and for the record, I had to have ANOTHER knee operation after the insoles!

Professionals often mistakenly ‘assess’ the individual and ascertain that there is a short leg present not understanding its origin and only treating the symptom. Let me give you reality. There are two types of short legs structural or functional. In all of my years of physiotherapy, rehabilitation, and corrective exercise I’ve encountered primarily functionally short legs. I vaguely remember one case of true structural leg length discrepency. True, structural leg length discrepancies are not commonplace. If the pelvis is imbalanced – high on one side, the leg on that side will present shorter. Or if one ilium of the pelvis is counternutated (rotated backwards) the leg on that side is shorter. And if you put an insole or a block on a functionally shortened leg you will cause an eventual loss of the contractile components, called sarcomeres, in the muscles of the legs and hip on that side, not to mention other cascade of orthpedic conditions that will arise! You will also exacerbate the creation of an adaptive foot. The appropriate fix is to recalibrate the short and long loop exteroceptor and proprioceptor sensor information of the feet and eyes which will then level out the pelvis in all planes which will then create even lengths in both legs as well as the torso that sits on the pelvis. So what we discover are ‘professionals’ not correcting but often only creating further problems in patients.

Remember the foot is the link between the ground and disequilibrium. First it adapts, then fixates. Because the foot is the ultimate buffer and unequal loads are created through deficient posture the foot will become deformed and it will twist, tilt or shift that postural imbalance with the ground. If it’s a reversible adaptive foot, and if you correct the primary cause of the problem, it will be enough to correct the postural system. But after ten months to one year those adaptive deformities will become fixated. Now the problem is the fixated, adaptive foot needs corrected if the tonic postural system is going to be completely reprogrammed. And if you don’t reprogram it, there will be more compensation throughout the entire system and that podal deformation present will remain.

Let me touch on what’s known as “man’s modern foot” and it’s the most common foot disorder nowadays and is characterized by a pathological gait. When assessing the person from just a normal standing position any of the varus or valgus variance can be present. It’s when the individual begins to walk that this disorder is illuminated. There are both varus-inducing and valgus-inducing components in the gait. The varus (bow-legged) inducing components help lead to a flat back type of posture and the valgus (knock-knee) inducing components helps induce a slight lumbar curvature and an upper body foreword lean. Two big components creating this are too much sitting (known as a substantial retraction of the ishio-leg muscles) and even more of a main culprit are shoes with arch supports. FYI, the mechanical insoles I had made for $300 still created knee pain and I needed another knee operation after wearing them! After studying total postural reprogramming I removed the arch supports in every pair of shoes I own. This includes my softball shoes and the shoes I used to do my workouts in. In the shoes I place my TPR insoles. And my knees have never felt better.

The Inner Ear

Let me quickly address the issue many misunderstand about balance as it relates to the inner ear. The inner ear doesn’t play as major a role in balance as most people think. The inner ear is actually dependent upon the eye. Let’s take these following examples to prove that point. With weightlessness it’s impossible to know where you are. In an avalanche and you’re covered with snow you don’t know which side to date or which side is up but the in ear is perfectly functional. Or you are completely submerged in water without vision you have no sense of which way is up or down.  Another example, say you’re in an elevator and you press the 30th floor, you feel movement at the very beginning and the very end which alludes to the direction of movement. However, other than those tow points and without eyesight, you have no understanding of going up or down. Another example – you are sitting on the train and the train is stopped at a station. The train next to you starts to move and you have a feeling you’re going in the opposite direction. This feeling you have is skewed by visual impressions yet the inner ear is totally functional. It’s the eye contribution that causes this.

The inner ear actually stabilizes the eye in movement. It helps keep a fixed or mobile target in phobial vision. But the inner ear needs significant change in speed to re-equalize balance. The inner ear is also a security system in the risk of a fall.


Skin is another major exteroceptor (and the largest organ of your body). If you have a scar below your diaphragm, it will have a tendency to bring your upper body forward into a slouched position. A scar on your shoulder can cause an arm length discrepancy. Previously, a new client came to me for her back pain. During her assessment, said she went for a massage twice a week for two years for her back pain. She was told by the massage ‘professionals’ that she had a “short leg”. I asked if they told her if it was ‘structural’ or ‘functional’? She replied they never told her but that her problem was a ‘short leg’. She was 50 years old, played golf every week and gave birth to twins 8 years earlier. I asked if it was natural delivery or C-section. She informed me it was a C-section. I asked to see her scar. The scar was pronounced so I began scar tissue work with a special blend of oils. Within five minutes of scar tissue work, her leg length discrepancy disappeared.


Our body has 656 muscles that move 206 bones through eight basic patterns of kinetic movement plus their secondary and accessory movements. But movement is predicated by information passing through exteroceptor and proprioceptor sensors to the brain via the tonic postural system. Our body is full of electric energy and this is what initiates movement (much like the starter on your car – electric system to create mechanical power). Muscles create movement and force but they can only do so by a command to ‘move’ which is initiated by the brain then sent through the nervous system via electric impulses that prepare the tonic postural system to move (chemical reactions are created during/from movement)… I.e. the creation of movement (or locomotion). This is any type of movement whatsoever: gait, picking up groceries, lifting the kids, throwing or kicking a ball, hitting a ball with an racquet or bat, climbing a hill…any movement at all.

We have a constant activation of and communication with the outside environment and our neuromuscular system that creates our posture. When posture distorts it simply means that there is a fault with a particular input system(s) that creates muscles to act upon the bones and pull them out of correct posture. Where the professionals in the healthcare industry are failing is trying to correct bad posture through foot inserts, chiropractic treatment, physical therapy, stretching and other types of non-electrical, sensor based influence not addressing the true cause.

Through clinical assessments I find all of my patients are “functionally” imbalanced due to faulty foot and/or eye sensors creating faults. I also have patients who are wheel-chair based, suffered strokes and/or extensive back surguries… those require slightly different approaches. I treated the cause with all patients and achieved tremendous results.  One thing you must remember, the body is a self-healing organism. It always tries to heal itself and strives for homeostasis. For example, observe a cut on your finger and what happens within a few days. Sometimes the body needs nudges in the right direction, and it will take over from there. It is allot smarter that we are. So that’s what I try to do – find those areas that need nudging and do so appropriately then rely on the body’s innate intelligence to take over from there. Simple as that.

You cannot correct the majority of postural faults initiated by the feet by having insoles built  to the structure of your foot and placing the mechanical insoles into your shoes. That does nothing to teach or signal the nervous system to retrain the ‘adaptive muscular’ system. It only influences, encourages and supports maintaining that misaligned posture.

Since our body is loaded with electric energy, if we can manipulate that electric energy into stimulating our muscles in the correct way, then, through time, your body will, with its own innate intelligence properly align itself. This is what the Total Postural Reprogramming system does. By correcting information put into your body through the sensors, in this case the soles of your feet, the eyes, skin and even jaaw which is the area of contact with the earth picking up a lot of different types of electric stimulation and vibrations along with the counter-pressure which is a fundamental reference in the body’s resistance to gravity, by correcting that information and correcting the information that’s brought in through the eyes you can reprogram the nervous system to  properly align the body.

You require special TPR insoles that are designed with a small device that sends a sensor input information to your TPS via the sensors in the arch of the foot. These are made specifically to a forward or backwards lean and will also eliminate rotational imbalances.

The eye correction requires a small but powerful and specifically designed magnet to reprogram the ocular muscles to performing as they should. Yes these are over-simplified explanations but thats basically how they work. You will not be able to feel anything from either one while reprogramming happens. Total reprogramming can take 8-24 months.

I hope you enjoyed the special edition about posture and now you understand it a bit more and know you actually can change it. The TPR insoles will cost you about $300. This is a small price considering the money you save in other areas while tremendously improving your quality of life. Even though we are far away from each other, you can still begin taking steps to correct your posture. If you are interested in the insoles and correcting problems, Skype me at  thefitnessdoctor or jefflibengood or email me directly with photos of your overall body posture from the front, side and back and of your feet as well as your eyes, I can at least help you get on the right track.

Thank you for letting me be a small part of your day. Stay focused. Stay positive. And remember, if you think you can, you will. If you think you can’t, you won’t. The choice of failing or succeeding is always yours. God bless. Together in purpose… Jeff

Look through the visual below at the results of Total Postural Reprogramming. Those following the system range in ages from 6 months young to the mid-90’s. The reason that it works is because it works with the nervous system, which activates the muscular system, which, if you are living, both are still working. I am sure you will agree with me the results are spectacular, starting with my own story!

Fitness Doctor Jeff Libengood represents Posturology and Dr. Bernard Bricot for all of Asia.  Dr. Bricot is an orthopedic surgeon  Jeff may be reached via email:

About Jeff Libengood

Jeff Libengood is currently the Training Director of Rakuten Golden Eagles and baseball author of 3 books and 1 exercise video. He is responsible for the design and management of 3 health facilities and a Lecturer and Public Speaker on Holistic Health and Medical Fitness.