What You See Is The Key To A Blissful pairing, says Contemporary Feng Shui guru

By on January 27, 2017

There are usually two things that get someone to call a Feng Shui consultant: Money and Love. If “Money can’t buy me love,” as the Beatles sang, a little focus can help you warm up to manifesting it for yourself. As Feng Shui operates largely on the ‘what you see is what you get’ principle, a closer look at your surroundings can help reveal subtexts about your hidden views of relationships and how you can smooth away any wrinkles.


“And a one, and a two…”
The most common theme I come across when consulting with singles who are looking to find a partner is the issue of singularity in artwork and possessions. While the art world is rich with images of women sitting or standing alone, having these front and center in your space starts to create a mindset that breeds aloneness. If you’re looking for partnership, it’s time to shift the focus from solitary singles to caressing couples. If you like art of single women, a book or album will help you appreciate the art without having it become the theme of your life. Images showing pairs of objects work just as well – pairs of flowers, apples, or other objects send neurological signals to the brain that gets it thinking about harmonious pairs.The same goes for objects in your space. If you have random individual objects around your home, your surroundings speak to singularity. Arranging matching objects in pairs will gracefully introduce you to the concept of sharing space with an ideal match. Place pairs of spheres, flowers, candles, or other objects in close proximity to one another. Pay particular attention to the far right hand corner of each room (opposite side of the room from the door when looking in, on the right side). Ensure that this area features no single objects or odd numbers.

Rest your head

The position of your bed speaks volumes about relationships. All too often, people have the bed placed with one side up against a wall, due to architectural constraints or just a lack of awareness of the impact of such an arrangement. This means that one person in the relationship (if there is a relationship) will feel ‘up against a wall’. I have heard couples raise their voices about the sacrifice that one person has to make by sleeping next to the wall – those often-unspoken resentments do drain energy away from existing relationships, and this layout inhibits a potential partner from feeling fully welcomed and embraced. The bed should ideally be placed with equal space on each side so that each person is free to be independent and yet come together in a shared space.

Beware the “one night stand”
To create stability in a relationship, it is ideal to have matching end tables on either side of the bed to create a support structure for each person. One nightstand veritably does translate into a ‘one-night stand’ – there is not the place for another person to feel welcome enough to become a regular fixture. The same goes for lamps: matching lamps on these end tables are a must in order to create a shared viewpoint. The practical side of this is that if one partner wants to stay up reading, they don’t have to reach over the sleeping partner to turn off the one light in the room; this simple set-up creates a level of equality and independence that supports strong relationships.

Heating things up

Colour is an important part of creating the warmth required for a relationship. Blue and other dark tones in the bedroom create too cool a mood for love to blossom fully – they can keep one feeling ‘blue’. For things to heat up, you have to crank up the colour range: red tones such as shades of red, pink, and orange are essential. Not much cools things off faster than blue sheets! Create a warm glow in the bedroom and you never know what you might manifest to keep that glow alive.
Wrapping it up
With warm colours, a balanced bedroom, and positive imagery of coupling in your environment, you can shift the balance of your consciousness from singularity to blissful pairing. Don’t be overwhelmed if there are lots of changes to be made – one step at a time will get you to your destination. Amore!

About Mark Ainley

Mark Ainley is a Contemporary Feng Shui Consultant and Emotional Stress Consultant living in Vancouver. A former 5-year resident of Tokyo, Mark consults with clients internationally to help them design living and work spaces in alignment with their goals. He also provides consulting in emotional stress management, as well as in the connection between facial structure and innate behavioural and communication patterns. He can be reached through his website: www.senseofspace.com and www.markainley.com.